Friday, 30 December 2011


I want to live my life with my heart and arms wide open, and that gets hard and hurty and painful. I want to live with my eyes wide open to all the injustice in this God-with-us (not god-forsaken) world, and have it go straight to my heart so that all I can do is love and love and love until somehow the pain ceases. I want to be open to His will for me, for my life and not fight it, but sometimes I think that I know best and I want to fight what He says. I am in a time of pruning again again again and it hurts and would probably hurt the less if I stopped fighting. I know that pruning cuts out what is bad and leaves open space for new growth, healthy growth, something stronger and better, but still I am fighting it. I want to be open to Him, not my will, but His, and submit like a young girl submitted to bearing and birthing God-with-us over 2000 years ago. That is how I want to walk out the last days of 2011, and walk into 2012, and I am terrified.

Linked up with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday. Won't you join in?


  1. Beautiful post. Such honesty. May you be blessed in 2012.

  2. I love your honesty here. And thank you so much for the reminder that this is a "God-with-us" world.

  3. "God-with-us World" I love that! I have never thought about it like that. Thank you for this post!
