Friday, 25 January 2013

Some thoughts on food

Source: via Mike on Pinterest

There is a paradox raging in my body. As much as I am fighting to eat three meals a day and love this God-given, God-made body, my body is fighting back. Food allergies and intolerances are making their presence felt, and it just seems so unfair. Strawberries are the latest addition to the list (which also includes nuts, lemons and dairy) - I chose them as a healthy treat yesterday, and what happened? HIVES.

I was eating sweet tomato and saffron soup yesterday (the other options were Icky Mushroom or a chicken-y something with a load of double cream) and it was not nice. I ate the thing because I was hungry/don’t like waste, but it was hard work to the last spoonful. As I was eating, I could not escape the thought of how costly saffron is. As spices go, it’s the most expensive. Its colour is so beautiful, and it is somehow rich and beautiful and exotic, but I cannot stand the taste.

At the weekend, I shared chocolate fudge cake (allergies be damned) and red wine with a friend. It was a holy moment, a communion-eucharist moment, an all-is-grace moment where I got to show her a little of how she is loved. And she is so loved, and so unaware. There is something elemental about the sharing of food. It’s a way of choosing to stop and see someone, and spend time with them, and honour them, and listen to what they are saying with their heart and soul and body, what their words might not be saying, but what they want you to know anyhow.

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