Saturday, 28 April 2012

Community [five minute friday]

I've neglected this little blog a while... But recently I prayed that I might find my own words again, rather than simply retweeting those belonging to everyone else. God told me that this writing thing is about remembering who I am and who He is and what He made me to be and how I'm in His image and a million other things. Also? He suggested I get my butt in gear and type.  

Five minutes of writing seems like a good place to start again. Gently does it. 

Source: via Brittney on Pinterest

I am hungry for community. So hungry it hurts, because it never seems to come. The never is maybe a lie, because sometimes it takes time. I get so tired of holding out my heart and having people not be interested. I want to have people to do life with, to share a joke and to share tears. I want to be able to love people and serve people and go for coffee and change the world. Love has to be the thing. (Oh look, there's my word for 2012...) Loving people and not having them love you back is a hard thing. Jesus has an abundance of love for me, and oh how I love Him, love Him, love Him. Is it so bad to want a hug once in a while? Just to be held, just to hold someone, their heart, their dreams, so that they can go out into the world and change it? 

Community with Jesus at its heart is a light to this hurting world where individualism runs rampant, and silently, slowly chokes the life out of all of us. We are made for relationship by a beautiful, loving God, and loneliness silently kills the soul. I pray for a loveplace that goes to the hurting and broken and lonely with open arms and just says, 'Welcome... We will love you.'


five minute friday with Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama - come and play?


  1. Stevey, what you wrote is powerful. I really appreciate how you shared from your heart your longing to be a part of a community, to love and be love. Gosh you are right in our days individualism is running rampant. God created us for relationships...with Him and with others.

    You have a sincere heart Stevey that comes out in your writing. I pray that the Lord will go before you and bring those people you long for. Those people who can be Jesus with skin on.

    The scripture that come to mind is Genesis 2:18 18 And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”

    1. Thank you so much for your words, and for your prayers. I've had so much encouragement today, from just five little minutes of writing, and it has been soothing to my soul.

  2. What a sincere and honest post. So glad I stopped by. We were indeed created for relationship. And since our creator knows what we need, he will provide it from his riches in heaven.

    1. I'm glad you stopped by too! Thank you so much for your encouraging words...

  3. Aw, I want to jump through the computer screen and give you a hug!!!! Somedays can be overwhelming when we long for easy friendship. But I know that God knows exactly what you need- praying that he will bless you for your faithfulness in sharing honestly!

    1. A bit of me would love for you to jump through the computer screen... Then I thought about how much that would freak me out if it actually happened!! Thank you for your prayers :)

  4. I'm sorry you have struggled to find a community to be a part of. That can be a discouraging and lonely place to be.

    For a long time I looked to our church to provide community for me. Then I realized, community comes when people are willing to be honest and vulnerable with each other. Not everyone is ready or interested in that. So I looked around at the people I naturally gravitated to at church and realized that they were women who didn't mind going deeper with me. That was what I liked about them. So I asked these ladies if they'd be interested in meeting with me, once every other week, just to hang out and do life together. Sort of like a small group, but without an agenda. I thought I was the only one at our church feeling disconnected from everyone, but I found out that these women also felt the same way but I never knew.

    I wonder if you aren't the only one in your church (or elsewhere) feeling disconnected and alone. Sometimes you just need one person to initiate. Perhaps starting a "small group" and getting to know some other women in a relaxed setting will help God pave the way for community in your life.

    Just trying to help! Don't give up! God hears the desires of your heart!

    Best wishes,
    A Heartening Life
