Friday, 16 September 2011

Five Minute Friday: Joy

This is my first Five Minute Friday post. Joy is a beautiful topic for it, and a word I need to pick up for this season. I believe that heaven is filled with Joy, and if I want my life to be about seeing heaven-on-earth, then Joy is what should characterise my daily living. That is not where I am at the moment. I have come to a place where laughter is a surprise when it happens. There is not a lot of joy here. And OH there should be. I am loved, and saved, and so so blessed. At 22, there are so many paths and open doors that I can choose. The world is at my feet, no? I think there is a talk by Jenn Johnson that I have heard where she speaks of a friend who was showing her that there is more joy and beauty in sadness than she could ever have imagined. Why can I not live that? There are sadnesses that I face, but how does that make me different to anyone else? We are all facing sadness, and great battles. The difference that I live has to be Joy. The troubles of this world are fleeting, for all their realness. 


  1. Love your last sentence: The troubles of this world are fleeting, for all their realness.

    They are real, aren't they? God sees them. He recognizes them. But, He won't leave you troubled. He does bring joy. He exchanges beauty for ashes. Hang in there!

  2. I love how you invite me in to remember what is true -- that our Father, who is in us, invites us to abide in this joy, with Him. I am going to try to find that Jenn Johnson talk. What a wonderful reminder. I am so grateful for your post, your beautiful heart reaching for Him and embracing us in His love, through your words, while we read. Thank you.

  3. What profound words ... I too, as you know :), am in much the same place. Feeling the guilt of my selfish indulgence in my empty depression as others in this world truly struggle with tragedies and traumas.
    I loved this: " There is not a lot of joy here. And OH there should be. I am loved, and saved, and so so blessed." This is true of me too!
    Thank you for visiting my blog so that I could meet you here, a sister in the same place seeking the same joy!
    You are a blessing,
